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Cyber budgets predicted to rise 11% on average to 2025, S-RM Cyber Report shows

S-RM Newsroom 6 December 2022
6 December 2022    S-RM Newsroom


We reveal the challenges faced by C-suite professionals and senior IT leaders across three key areas of cyber security – budgets, incidents and insurance.

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06 December 2022 - London


Cyber budgets predicted to rise 11% on average to 2025, S-RM Cyber Report shows.

  • With high levels of inflation, this means UK organisations will effectively be facing cyber budget cuts in the future, with 13% of those surveyed across the UK expecting decreases in budget over the next 24-36 months
  • Cyber security spending currently represents over a quarter (26%) of organisations’ annual IT budgets
  • Smaller companies are more likely to allocate between 40-60% of their IT budgets to cyber security

New data from the 2022 Cyber Security Insights Report from leading global intelligence and cyber security consultancy S-RM has found that cyber security budgets are set to increase an average of only 11% over the next 24-36 months. With high levels of inflation, this means UK organisations will effectively be facing cuts to their cyber budgets to 2025, with 13% of those surveyed across the UK expecting budgets to decrease over the next 24-36 months.

S-RM’s report also shows that, on average, cyber security spending represents over a quarter (26%) of organisations’ annual IT budgets in 2022. The research also marks a 5% year-on-year average growth in cyber security budget, when compared to survey responses in 2021.


Heyrick Bond-Gunning, CEO of S-RM, comments:

“We’ve seen a lot of market disruption over the past year, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of investing in cyber security to not only protect your business, but also to foster future growth.  

“However, our findings show that, after inflation is taken into account, budgets are set to barely increase in the coming years, and that is a point of worry as cyber threats increase, insurance coverage shrinks and compliance considerations continue to evolve. Decision makers need to be proactive in defending against cyberattacks, or they could find themselves racing to mitigate damage and cost in the future.”


Factors driving spend

Some of the key reasons for budgetary increases included:

  • Maintaining security against evolving threats (40%),
  • Responding to changes in regulations and compliance (38%)
  • Increased focus on cyber security at board level (38%)

The research also found that smaller companies are more likely to allocate between 40-60% of their IT budgets to cyber security. 20% of companies with an annual revenue of between $500m and $1bn currently allocate this proportion of their IT budget to cyber security. This compared to just 10% among companies with $1bn-$5bn in annual revenue.


 Jamie Smith, Board Director and Head of Cyber security at S-RM added:

“Cyber security is an issue that exists beyond just board level, and resources must be allocated throughout a business to best defend against malicious intent from threat actors. 

“Cyber security departments cannot achieve the results they need to if budgets don’t afford them the necessary resources. The fact that smaller, agile businesses are dedicating more resource to this area should be a clear sign for larger companies not to let investment get tied up in bureaucracy.”


UK-US comparison

The average percentage of organisations' IT budgets allocated to cyber security across the UK (25%) and the US (26%) are fairly consistent. However, the average predicted increase to cyber security budgets over the next 2-3 years differ slightly across markets surveyed, with the UK reporting an anticipated increase of 8%, and 14% across the US.

A higher proportion of UK decision makers anticipated that cyber security budgets may increase in the future due to the need to respond to changes in regulations and compliance (42% in the UK vs 35% in the US). In comparison, a higher proportion of US decision makers felt that cyber budgets might rise due to their organisation increasing its focus on resilience (43% in the US compared to 29% in the UK).


Further detail on the full report can be accessed on the S-RM website, here.




The S-RM Cyber Security Insights Report 2022 follows on from our 2021 report, Investing in Cyber Resilience: Spend, Strategy and the Search for Value, where we seek to understand the specific cyber security challenges faced by C-suite leaders and senior IT decision makers.

For the report S-RM again surveyed 600 C-suite and IT budget holders from organisations with a revenue over USD 500m. With two years’ worth of data, S-RM was able to analyse the year-on-year changes in the types of incidents experienced by large organisations and their attitudes and approaches to spending on cyber security. This year, in the context of a well-publicised hard market, survey participants were also asked for their views on cyber insurance.

Further detail on the full report can be accessed on the S-RM website, here.


For further information, please contact

Media Enquiries
Tom Stewart-Walvin
+44 (0)7855 689 302


About S-RM

S-RM is a global intelligence and cyber security consultancy with expertise in insurance, cyber security and cyber response. Headquartered in London, S-RM works across 7 international offices and advises companies ranging from blue-chip corporates, to large financial institutions, and beyond.

To find out more about S-RM, visit www.s-rminform.com/


About Vanson Bourne

Vanson Bourne is an independent specialist in market research for the technology sector. Their reputation for robust and credible research-based analysis is founded upon rigorous research principles and their ability to seek the opinions of senior decision makers across technical and business functions, in all business sectors and all major markets.

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S-RM is a global risk consultancy providing intelligence, resilience and response solutions to clients worldwide. To discuss this article or other industry developments, please reach out to one of our experts.

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We reveal the challenges faced by C-suite professionals and senior IT leaders across three key areas of cyber security – budgets, incidents and insurance.

Download Report