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S-RM Academy Launches

S-RM Newsroom 22 September 2022
22 September 2022    S-RM Newsroom

22 September 2022 - London


S-RM launches new Academy to drive employees’ professional development.

Leading global intelligence and cyber security consultancy S-RM has today announced the launch of its internal professional development structure, the S-RM Academy.  

The purpose-built structure is designed to support the ongoing professional development of S-RM's 280+ global employees, at all stages of their career. The Academy will underpin the employee learning and development experience at S-RM, reinforcing the company’s commitment to being one global team. 


S-RM Academy


The Academy will compromise four programmes.

  1. S-RM Foundations will ensure the onboarding experience is consistent and streamlined, both for fresh faces and industry veterans alike
  2. S-RM Technical Development will deliver role-specific skills, including formal qualifications and external credentials where relevant 
  3. S-RM Managers will give first-time managers the skills to develop the potential of their direct reports
  4. S-RM Leadership will focus on targeted training for senior members of the team, with an emphasis on commercial and team leadership skills 

Each programme will follow a different format and the Academy will deploy a range of learning approaches including classroom-based courses, e-learning, team workshops, networking events and practical exercises.  

The new structure will also give employees the opportunity to shadow more tenured and specialised team members as they work on significant client projects, allowing them to gain real-world experience.  

S-RM Foundations, the first programme of the Academy, will launch its first course in September 2022. This will be followed by the S-RM Managers and S-RM Leadership programmes, which will launch in the financial year 2022-23.  


Niels Aalen, Chief People Officer at S-RM and sponsor for the Academy on the Executive Committee, comments: 

“Entering a cyber or intelligence career can be tough for even the brightest candidates without specific technical qualifications, so it’s not surprising that both industries report having a talent shortage.  

“S-RM has always hired based on potential rather than the letters after someone’s name, and instead of expecting talent to have technical expertise off the bat, we teach new joiners the skills they need to succeed. With the creation of the S-RM Academy, we are taking the next step and formalising our approach, ensuring that every member of our increasingly global team has the same opportunities to network, grow and explore their professional potential.” 

Felicity Loudon, Director at S-RM and lead on developing the Academy programmes, adds: 

“The Academy will allow us to adopt a more holistic and strategic approach towards our team’s professional development, wherever they are in the world. As we continue to grow our global presence following the opening of our Utrecht office in March this year, we need to fully embed our culture across the board, and this programme will allow us to do just that.” 


About S-RM

S-RM is a global intelligence and cyber security consultancy. Founded in 2005, we have 300+ experts and advisors across seven international offices. Headquartered in London, we have offices in Cape Town, Utrecht, Hong Kong, New York, Rio, and Washington DC.


S-RM is a global risk consultancy providing intelligence, resilience and response solutions to clients worldwide. To discuss this article or other industry developments, please reach out to one of our experts.

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