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How to Build Cyber Confidence

Lenoy Barkai 25 March 2021
25 March 2021    Lenoy Barkai


In our latest report, we demystify the drivers of insecurity among cyber security professionals, in so doing, mapping a path to cyber confidence.

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In this webinar, we bring together experts from the US and UK to share insights around understanding and building cyber confidence:

  • Carolyn Purwin Ryan, Partner, Mullen Coughlin
  • David Ortiz, CISO, Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
  • Gus de los Reyes, CISO, Brown Advisory
  • John Gracey, CSO, Options Technology
  • John Felker, Senior Advisor, S-RM

Governance and leadership 

Every business, regardless of size, needs to be investing in its cyber security. Our panellists set out some of the questions organisations need to consider as they look to build their roadmap to ‘cyber confidence’:

  • Who is responsible for cyber security?
  • What distinguishes true cyber leaders from the rest?
  • When it comes to mapping our cyber governance relationships, are you clear about your responsibilities to customers, clients, vendors, employees, and regulators?

And, if you are an IT leader within your company, how can you effectively communicate cyber risk to your senior stakeholders? What actions can you take to educate senior leaders about the day to day threats your company faces now, and the governance and leadership needed?

Addressing the challenge of reliable threat intelligence

Every day we read about new ransomware and data hacking attacks against business and consumer-focused companies. But, how do you assess the reliability of what you read? And more importantly, how do you decide whether it is relevant to your business? Our panel explains:

  • Why ‘know thyself’ is key to good threat intelligence – as a business leader, are you up to date with your firm’s proprietary and vendor technology stack, and high value assets?
  • How even medium and small firms can secure intelligence by working with trusted partners and using open source intelligence

Response and Recovery

Failing to plan is planning to fail, so it is important to have an incident response and recovery plan in place. How should organisations create, test, and refine their response plans? The panel discusses:

  • Why data privacy is a distinct, but vital factor in cyber incidence response plans, including legal and regulatory requirements around personal data leaks
  • Who to map into your plan, including breach coaches, employees, and insurers

The speakers also share their experiences of simulation exercises, a critical part of assessing your organisation’s cyber response and recovery plan. “Test to the point of failure,” as one of our experts explains. As a cyber security leader, you need to know where the weak points are, before a threat actor does:

  • How company culture shapes and helps implement your cyber incident response plan
  • When ransomware attacks are likely to occur, and what you can do to always be prepared

Read S-RM’s report, ‘Challenging Insecurity: A Roadmap to Cyber Confidence’ here

S-RM is a global risk consultancy providing intelligence, resilience and response solutions to clients worldwide. To discuss this article or other industry developments, please reach out to one of our experts.

Lenoy Barkai
Lenoy barkai Associate Director, Cyber Security Email Lenoy


We reveal the challenges faced by C-suite professionals and senior IT leaders across three key areas of cyber security – budgets, incidents and insurance.

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