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Lights, camera and learning: Cyber security lessons from TV show Hunted

Martijn Hoogesteger 16 February 2023
16 February 2023    Martijn Hoogesteger


We reveal the challenges faced by C-suite professionals and senior IT leaders across three key areas of cyber security – budgets, incidents and insurance.

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Each year Martijn Hoogesteger, Head of Cyber Security, S-RM Netherlands, takes on the role of ‘digital detective’ in the hit TV show Hunted, where 12 members of the public try to flee the Netherlands in under three weeks, avoiding a chasing team of security and investigation professionals.

The TV programme is purely for viewing entertainment, however, there are lessons which can be drawn out and applied to real life cyber security challenges. Over the course of four interviews, with S-RM colleague and Senior Associate Frank de Korte, Martijn shares his insights on how the action on the show parallels with cyber risk management, incident response and cyber testing. Watch each episode below in English or head over to our YouTube channel to enjoy in Dutch.


Episode 1 Meet the Hunter, S-RM’s Martijn Hoogesteger

In the first episode Martijn outlines the premise of the show and his role in it. He also shares how the show generates awareness of data privacy and cyber attack methods such as phishing.


Episode 2 Testing for cyber vulnerabilities

In this episode Martijn outlines the similarities of ‘hunting techniques’ used on the show and S-RM’s ethical hacking services, where we test for cyber vulnerabilities across the business and make recommendations on how to remediate issues and improve overall cyber resilience.


Episode 3 Responding to a cyber incident

In the third episode Martijn illustrates how a successful cyber incident response requires skills in digital forensics. Digital forensics work is vital to understanding what has happened to a victim’s system and getting them back online. In the show those same investigative approaches are used to examine fugitives' online activity to gain information on how they will go on the run.



Episode 4 Building cyber resilience

In the final episode Martijn looks at the parallels between the TV show and how organisations can build resilience to cyber attacks. Focusing on data privacy – an important area of risk management for all organisations – Martijn outlines how S-RM’s advisory services can help companies assess and improve their security posture.



Find out more about our penetration testing, incident response, digital forensics and cyber advisory services.


Cyber Intelligence Briefing

To discuss this article or other industry developments, please reach out to one of our experts.

Martijn Hoogesteger
Martijn hoogesteger Head of Cyber Security, Netherlands Email Martijn
Frank de Korte
Frank de korte Senior Associate, Cyber Security Email Frank


We reveal the challenges faced by C-suite professionals and senior IT leaders across three key areas of cyber security – budgets, incidents and insurance.

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