Ransomware in Focus

Our 'Ransomware in focus' series unravels the complexities of ransomware groups throughout the ecosystem.

S-RM Ransomware In Focus

Explore the articles in this series

By detailing their business strategies, target victims, and the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) behind their operations, we aim to arm businesses with essential knowledge required to confront and overcome the challenges posed by ransomware.

Ransomware in focus: Meet Akira

First observed in March 2023, Akira is a sophisticated and financially motivated Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) group known for primarily targeting small to medium sized enterprises.

S-RM Ransomware in Focus - Akira

S-RM’s Incident Response team

S-RM's Incident Response team is one of the largest dedicated response teams in the world, and won Incident Response Team of the Year at the Zywave Cyber Risk Awards two years in a row. 

Learn more about the team.