Give back

Volunteering our time or leading fundraising initiatives provide opportunities for us to give back to the communities in which we operate and more widely.

Small group of S-RM staff

We believe that we should use our success as a company to make a positive impact on the world around us

We do this through building relationships with local charity partners in our office locations, and opportunities for pro bono work and volunteering. All our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives are employee-led through a dedicated committee. Anyone has the opportunity to propose new ways for S-RM to make a difference. We use the following four principles to align our efforts with our culture and values, focus on where we can have the most impact, and support those communities where we live and work.  


Promote education and share our knowledge

We know how valuable our expertise can be so we work to share it with others who need it. Whether that be our analysts helping NGOs improve their research skills and ability to conduct their own due diligence, or our consultants running workshops and providing opportunities for work experience to help young people start their careers. Some of these schemes have even resulted in permanent job opportunities at S-RM.

Look out for local communities

At S-RM, we trust, respect and look out for each other. That includes the communities in which we operate where we work with local charities to help those most vulnerable. During the COVID-19 pandemic we helped to provide over 8,000 meals to the homeless in Cape Town and worked with a charity partner in Brazil to support young people and their families in our local community.


Protect the environment and encourage sustainable practices

Combatting climate change is one of this generation’s greatest challenges. We consistently review our business for ways to operate more sustainably and efficiently, offset our environmental impact, and raise awareness of climate issues and solutions among our employees. In 2023 we planted over 2,500 trees to offset the carbon footprint from business flights and hotel travel.

Provide support where it is most needed, when it is most needed

We are fortunate enough to have the resources and expertise to be able to move quickly in a crisis. When a disaster occurs which impacts our communities, we respond where we can, to help people recover and rebuild their lives. In recent years, we have provided aid in the aftermath of natural disasters in the Caribbean, and worked with a charity partner in Lebanon to support residents affected by the blast in Beirut.


Aligning our CSR initiatives with our culture and values

Making a positive impact on the environment and those around us is integral to the culture at S-RM. Learn more about who we are and the values at the heart of our business.

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